Skin Rejuvenation
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Atlanta and Duluth, GA

What condition is your skin in? The appearance of your skin can play a large part in your self-image. At the practice of Dr. R. Morgan Davoudi, we believe in a holistic approach to cosmetic surgery and that’s why we provide a range of spa and skin rejuvenation services such as microdermabrasion and laser hair removal. At our Atlanta area office, we believe that feeling comfortable in your own skin is a reflection of good health and a positive attitude.
While genetics do play a part in the future health of your skin, so does the care that you take today. A regimen of good skin care can not only make a significant impact on your future appearance, but it can have a dramatic affect on the way that you look and feel today.
Fine lines and wrinkles have a negative impact on overall appearance. At our practice, we offer a range of safe and effective products by the world renowned Obagi® skin care system. These products are packed with vitamins and age defying ingredients to keep your skin in optimum health.
Our services and products are designed to enhance your beauty and make you feel good in your own skin. If you are interested in chemical peels, Obagi® Skin Care or laser hair removal at our office near Atlanta, contact Dr. R. Morgan Davoudi to schedule an appointment.
BOTOX® Cosmetic
BOTOX® Cosmetic, a sterilized form of botulinum, is injected into certain areas of the body to treat forehead wrinkles, frown lines and crows feet. When BOTOX®, is injected into the skin, it temporarily deactivates the muscles that are responsible for the repetitive movements, which cause wrinkles and skin folds.
BOTOX® results generally last from three to six months; however repeat treatments seem to increase the duration.
BOTOX® injections are not without risks and only a certified medical professional such as Dr. R. Morgan Davoudi should perform the procedure.
Contact cosmetic surgeon Dr. R. Morgan Davoudi at our Atlanta area office to discuss how BOTOX® can work for you.
The outer surface of your skin takes a beating everyday. Sun exposure, weather and age can make your skin appear dull and wrinkled. Microdermabrasion is a gentle abrasion and suctioning technique that is used to remove the damaged outer layer of skin. The result is a more youthful, refreshed appearance. Fine lines, wrinkles, age spots and scars can all be reduced with microdermabrasion.
During the 30 to 60 minute procedure, the doctor uses a special device that releases tiny crystals onto the face, gently exfoliating and removing dead skin cells.
This simple, non-surgical procedure can make a dramatic improvement in the appearance of your skin.
Contact Dr. R. Morgan Davoudi at our Atlanta area office to learn more about microdermabrasion.
High Frequency Treatments
High frequency treatments are considered to be a gentle and therapeutic approach to skin rejuvenation, healing and restoring your skins overall health. It balances skin hydration and collagen levels to oxygenate the skin surface as well as killing bacteria that cause Acne. High Frequency treatments stimulates circulation, detoxifies, contracts blood vessels, minimizing red inflamed skin, shrinks pores while reducing the signs of aging. If you experience dark under eye circles this is the treatment for you resulting in a fresher, brighter more youthful appearance.
Fat Cavitation and Radio Frequency Treatment
What is Fat Cavitation and RF?
Fat Cavitation and RF is one of the most advanced systems using Ultrasonic caviation and radio frequency allows your body to break down fat cells. These cells then metabolize through your body’s natural removal process there is no downtown, no injections or anesthesia needed it is a painless and non-surgical way to remove fat and cellulite.This treatment is ideal for patients post liposuction and Adominoplasty.